

So, I finally got all moved to my new work location in Kirkuk, photos to follow. I’m starting to get the rundown on my job and responsibilities. As part of my move I log onto my banking website to change my mailing address and check my current balance. I may be investing in a newly constructed hospital in the Philippines and was lining up my liquid funds for a possible funds transfer. I happened to glance at my current balance and thought it seemed lower than it should be, seeing as I have only purchased 2 things in the last 2 months, an airline ticket and one pair of shoes. That’s when I saw the statement below. Click on I to make it large enough to read.
That’s right, some little A-Hole got a hold of my check card number and sent it to a relative in India. First off, I had to figure out where the local currency was the Rupee, then I had to figure out how my card number got there. I mean it’s not like I have ever been to India, although I hear the dysentery is to die for. I started digging deeper into my statement and low and behold, 7 days prior to the first illegal charge I had used my debt card at the AAFES PX/BX in Baghdad, which is chock a block full of Indian and Pakistani workers. Then I remembered a story of how the fuel point supervisor had used her debt card at the Burger King next to the AAFES, also part of the Indian and Pakistani work force and she found close to $300 in fast food charged to here card. After filing my claim with VISA check card fraud and theft department I will get the money back but now I don’t have a check card and still have hotel’s to book for my upcoming vacation to Bangkok. Of course they will not ship a new card to an APO address so I have to find someone in the US to send it to me ASAP so I can get everything finished. As you may have read from the photo above, the grand total for this pain in the ass was $2449.52. Now besides the French, I am forced to not like the Indians any more, Thank you sir, do you want another slushy!!


Barbara said...

Mother Fucking Cock Knockers....

Chief said...

I'm telling yah, you can't even trust third world fuckers with anythig!

AAFESPA said...

I am with AAFES customer service and would like to speak with you regarding this issue. Could you please provide me your contact information to publicaffairs@aafes.com? We look forward to helping solve this issue for you.
Thank you.

Chief said...

I would love to reply, I need to know to whom I am responding to though.