
Birthday Pics.

Ok, Ok, I know it's way past due but, here or the photos from my birthday. We started off at our local hang out, Longs Bar

My good friend Chris, cool, for a Brit.
This is Glenn and myself, he's our IT guy at work. He's from Canada and has the most amazing movie/TV collection on hard drives. He's helped me survive many many hours of work.
This is Louise, she also a Brit and one of the managers of Longs Bar. She was a bit concerned about a cold sore showing in the photo.
C0-worker Amanda. Great girl from Louisiana. By this time we were at another popular Dubai pub, Waxy's
Here was the core party group, Amanda, Tony Chris and I
This is a friend of a friend, don't remember her name, she was visiting from the Philippines
Big pimp'n Tony and myself. Tony is my flatmate and co-worker. Great guy from Houston.
Amanda discovers snake bites
This is Jhoy, one of my party friends from the Philippines. She currently lives in Abu Dabi, about 2 hours away, but comes to Dubai to visit.
This is one of our regular bartenders at Waxy's. He's from South Africa
Jenny also works at Waxy's, she's from the Philippines also and lives here in Dubai with her sister who works here also.
Waxy's head doorman, I think he's Lebanese
Waxy's doorman #2 from England

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