
How I spent my weekend.

Actually it was an extended weekend, from Thursday to Monday. We received a notification from the central office that there were petty cash records that totaled over $1.3 million that had to be found and scanned to the central office by close of business Monday. All the records date back to 2003 and have been carelessly housed in a 40 foot shipping container. During their stay in the container rodents had made homes, water had dripped in and mold had grown. So, myself and 6 other people worked 14 – 17 hours days for the entire weekend to uncover as any files as possible. We all wore rubber gloves to avoid catching any rat poop virus and sat at your desks or on the floor comparing requisition codes and subcontract numbers. The only highlight of the weekend was a call from Trojan; it’s nice to hear the voice of home. Anyway, back to the grind.