

Holy diabetic rush Batman!!
I would be the most popular person in my tent with
40.5 pounds of Skittles!

I considered ordering this just to see what it looked like.


All Head, No Shaft said...

I want to know what grage tastes like!

Barbara said...

Do it!!!!! (evil laugh)...SUGAR!!! I am cornholio...hahahahahahah

Chief said...

I imagine garge is a magical combination of other flavors as yet discovered by mortal men. Kind of like putting a random hand full of flavors in your mouth all at once. I bet Trojan is freaking over anything with sugar these days.

All Head, No Shaft said...

Could you imagine what would happen to the poor girl if you swapped diet coke for the real thing.

PlaysByEar said...

That sounds like fun! Trojan better think twice the next time she asks me to get her a drink

Chief said...

I was thinking of sending here some "sugar free" Iraqi chocolate. the extra heroine makes you forget all about the sugar.