I've had more than a few people ask where I was in Iraq at the time of the conversation or where I would be going next when I moved or changed addresses only to be met with a brief to long silence followed by "where's that?" Well, here is a nifty little reference I whiped up between rocket attacks near the U.S. Embassy. Ok, I started at #1, was there for about 1 monthe before being transfered to #2. I was in the Safety Department at the time and in the middle of nowhere. The camp was quiet and we never had an attack. After the military decided to close the place down I was transfered back to #1 for about a monthe where I got into the Operations Department. I then went to another site near #1, too close to put another mark on the map, for 2 weeks which turned into almost 3 months. I then returned to #1 for 4 months before I was exhiled to #3. This is the place I previously posted photos of, the dessert and tents and lizzards, I am currently sitting at a different location near #1 until I transfer to my new position at #4. I hope this clears up any questions that anyone who cares may have.
You can click on the map to see it better